Financial Fitness Workshop
Your guide to lasting financial health and security

Master your finances Create your financial freedom

The journey to financial security doesn’t begin with a single step, but it begins by having the right map. A simple design of financial freedom is not enough. It takes knowledge, application, and an understanding of the terrain ahead. No matter where you are on the road or how you got there, your financial future is up to you.

The question that remains is:
Where is your road leading you?

The Financial Fitness Program is truly a uniquely designed program to help you solve the elusive mystery to acquiring, keeping and producing enough money to live the life of your choosing.


“A person can either discipline their finances or their finances disciplines them.”
– Orrin Woodward

It is delivered in three easy to follow main categories;


The Financial Offensive

Making and keeping the money


The Financial Defensive

Getting out and staying
debt free


The Financial Playing Field

The rules of money

When you go through the program, you will see how it can lead you to a very unique position. A position very few around the world will ever know. You will not only learn the principles to become financially fit yourself, but the power to positively impact the lives around you now. You have the power to live your financial dreams. To get out of debt. To increase your income. To turn financial weaknesses into next level financial literacy.

It’s time for financial peace.

It’s time for financial security.

It’s time to get financially fit.

Take the next step and sign up for the 47 Wealth Building program,
now finally available as a live & interactive workshop! Take action now!

Create the financial freedom you have waited for.

“If you want to be financially-free, you need to become a different person than you are today and let go of whatever has held you back in the past.” 

– Kim Kiyosaki

Join our 8-Week program

You now have the opportunity to learn and apply the practical and proven program Financial Fitness, via our live (online) & interactive 8-week workshop, as we go through the strategies and mindset of the 47 principles of financial fitness. You will get access to a complete set of audios to enjoy, at your own time, and to reflect on during our live sessions. Get access to our online learning system, with the material laid out in an easy-to-follow layout, divided into short, powerful chapters. Weekly meetings where we go through each step and strategy. You will begin to strengthen your own level of financial intelligence, as you get the deeper understanding of each these 47 principles, and how to practically apply it to your life, in a way that makes sense to you. Enjoy the live presence of like-minded people where you are able to talk to and have space for your ideas and questions.

Each class is faciliated by an authorized instructor, giving you the attention, accountability and assistance you need, to make sure you get the most use of the program for your life.

price: $333

Register now for any of the upcoming workshops below:

No events scheduled at this time. Please register on the waiting list below.

Online course version will also be available soon, guided by one of our qualified facilitators. You can go through the online version at your own pace – if that fits better for you instead of a live class. 

“In most instances, bankrupted finances are
a reflection of bankrupted souls.”

– Orrin Woodward